Only bags complemented by macro details.
Beauty as is, without filters or special effects.
Details as the cornerstone of the Whole, the promise of Infinity.
Something that originates from the hands of those who create it and is completed by the hands, time and life of those who wear it.
Perhaps this is the Charm of Making, not doing so much as to do, but doing better, surpassing oneself, going beyond the limits of craftsmanship and its techniques and, just like a spell, touching on the boundaries of the Dream and the vertigo of Poetry.
We all have the right to be happy with what makes us happy and soar with our imaginations, away from a world that we would like to be better, and then maybe return there again with the happiness of new ideas for renewing ourselves which, perhaps, will really make it a better place or at least more Beautiful, more Just, more Cheerful, more Gentle than it is.